Friday, August 4, 2006

Infection From Waxing

The truth I could not imagine doing Tanka for Peace, but I was given the task and double me, for George and I spent the chain Pp.
shower I'm not doing poems, but humbly present here what I got.

Ah! and I disappeared technical problems with the Internet. What a joke it = P. Thank l @ s that have been pending, my recovery is going well!

and to briefly explain what it is Tanka is a poem of 5 lines each stanza with metric 5-7-5-7-7.

I hope soon that's all over, stop the war

large and children are there to stop it now.
(continuing Jorge)

Try again,
war to stop.
Eyes cry cry
to rest;
deserve to live in peace.
(continuing Pp)

passed it to anyone wanting to join.

continue reading us!


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