Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Constipation At 28weeks Pregnant

champions, my daughters ..... Nine years

are champions and fighters, I believe, since they were born, or rather, from that within which they formed, because life has been testing them in their short lives and have always overcome. Good and bad we are with great dignity, his head held high, are girls yet, but surviving in a society where the comments, whispering, insults, and also because not much love, give them the strength to continue day to day and demonstrate that they are happy and are, above all, a beloved and chosen daughters. The photos are from the first competition of the 2004 Group to which both belong. Yu Mei was the first in the two forms in which the coals and crolls competed and won his first drink and two medals. Thania was a little bit further, but both deserve greatest, because they train a lot and above all are two girls with a heart of gold and that's the best. And a picture of a proud mom, hehe.


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